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温泉VI设计 提供通过自己的国际商业温泉VI设计公司

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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-04-14 22:28:09 查看次数:

The strongest asset protection tool in the world - the offshore trust: 世界上最强的资产保护工具-VI设计信托:
Offshore Trusts VI设计信托

Good choices for growing businesses: 为成长型企业不错的选择:
Incorporating in China 纳入中国
Incorporating in Hong Kong 纳入香港
Incorporating in Puerto Rico 波多黎各纳入

Testimonials 褒奖
Testimonials from a few of our thousands of satisfied clients. 推荐几个从客户满意我们的数千人。

Additional reasons to have your own offshore corporation 其他原因有自己的VI设计公司
Offshore company formation - Privacy, profits & prestige.温泉VI设计公司的组建 - 隐私,利润和威望。 In the computer age, more than ever, many people are concerned about litigious attorneys, employers/employees, ex-spouses, ex-business partners, big brother and others invading their privacy.在计算机时代,比以往任何时候,很多人都关心诉讼的律师,雇主/雇员,前配偶,前商业伙伴,大哥哥和其他侵犯他们的隐私。 Would you like to have accounts with total confidentiality from the above intruders?你想从上面有入侵者总保密帐户? Would you like to have the option of investing in high-yielding mutual funds and other strategies offshore that aren't available at home?请问你要在高收益的共同基金和其他境外战略是不在家可投资选项? Would you like to give yourself the prestige and credibility of being the founder or officer of your own international company?你想给自己的威望和作为创始人或您自己的国际公司的高级人员的公信力? Would you like to expand your business and offer your products or services to a worldwide marketplace, while at the same time, maintaining your confidentiality?你想拓展业务,并提供你的产品或服务,以全球市场,而在同一时间,维护你保密?

All of these benefits, and more, can be made available through your own International Business Company (IBC). 所有这些好处,更可提供通过自己的国际商业温泉VI设计公司公司(IBC)。
What are International Business Companies?什么是国际商业公司? How do they work?他们如何工作? Why should I have one?为什么要我一个吗?
Those are the three questions that come to mind for most people when they hear the term International Business Company or Offshore Corporation .这些都是三个问题来考虑大多数人,当他们听到这个术语国际商业公司或海外公司 。 Let's see if we can clear up some of the mystery:让我们看看如果我们能厘清一些的奥秘:

What is an Offshore Company or International Business Company? 什么是VI设计公司或国际商业公司? (IBC) (国际)
An international business company (also called "offshore company") is a corporation or limited liability company that has been formed outside of your country of residence.国际商业公司(也称为“VI设计公司”)是一家公司或有限责任公司已不在您的居住国组成温泉VI设计公司。 One is well advised to choose the country of incorporation wisely.其一是,宜选择纳入国家明智。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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酒店logo设计,高尔夫标志设计,商标设计,温泉VI设计 提供通过自己的国际商业温泉VI设计公司