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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-04-16 22:13:35 查看次数:

For these purposes, but only if confirmed in the Order Form, we would usually arrange Apostille certification for one full set of copies of the main incorporation documents.为了这些目的,但只有在订单确认后,我们通常会安排一个主要的注册文件副本全套加签认证。 Additional sets can be arranged as and when required.附加集可以在需要时安排。 It is advisable to also Apostille-certify the original Certificate of Incorporation.明智的做法是还加注,证明公司注册证明书正本。

As the new BVI Business Companies Act 2004 is very flexible, any specific needs as to the form, wording and certification of the corporate documents can usually be satisfied.由于新的英属维尔京群岛商业公司法2004年是非常灵活的,以任何形式,措词和公司文件认证的具体需求通常可以得到满足。 However, You need to inform us of any such special requirements in advance, at placing of the order, so that we can configure Your BVI Business Company exactly as You want it to be.但是,您需要通知我们任何特殊要求的提前下单,这样我们可以配置你的英属维尔京群岛商业公司完全按照您希望它是。


From the time of order, receipt of the due diligence information and payment, the incorporation of a BVI Business Company normally takes between 3 and 6 business days.从秩序,尽职调查信息和付款,一个商业公司英属维尔京群岛注册成立一般3至6个工作日以收到时间。 Additional certification (Notary and Apostille) may take another 2 to 4 business days.额外的认证(公证和加注)可能采取另一种2至4个工作日。 The exact timing of additional certification depends on the workload of the relevant certification and Government offices - this is something we can hardly influence.附加认证的确切时间取决于相关的认证和政府部门的工作量 - 这是我们很难影响。


The documents of your offshore company will be shipped to your indicated address by airmail or courier, depending on your instructions.您的VI设计公司的文件将被运到您的指示通过航空邮件或快递地址,这取决于你的指示。 We use FedEx for all courier deliveries, but other courier companies (DHL or UPS) can be contracted, if You specifically require.我们使用的所有快递联邦快递交付,但其他快递公司(DHL或UPS)的可收缩,如果您明确要求。 The courier delivery of documents may take from one up to five days worldwide, depending on destination.快递公司送达的文件可能需要从一个长达五天全世界范围的目的地而定。 Shipments of documents by courier are secure and internet-trackable.通过快递货件的文件的安全性和互联网追踪。 Although it will be a whole lot cheaper, we strongly discourage delivery of documents by regular airmail.虽然这将是一个整体便宜很多,我们强烈劝阻交付单据通过定期的航空邮件。 Airmail shipments may get severly delayed or lost altogether.航空货物可能会延迟或完全丧失severly。 For documents sent by airmail, we will not be able to give you any timing estimates or guarantees that the package will reach you altogether.对于由航空邮件发送文件,我们将无法给你任何时间的估计或保证你的包将达到完全。 As opposed to courier delivery, you can't track your airmail shipment over the internet.相对于快递送货,您不能跟踪您在互联网上航空邮件运输。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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