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Secret of Eye Catching Websites by admin 眼秘密追赶网站 由 admin Thursday, April 21, 2011星期四,2011年4月21日 Information Technology has effected each walk and aspect of our modern life and made the world likes a global village.信息技术已经影响我们现代生活的每个方面,走路,使世界喜欢一个地球村。 We are aware of any incident happening anywhere in any corner of the world.我们现在对于发生在世界任何角落的任何地方事件知道的。 Along with information, IT has eased us with many other blessings.随着信息,它与许多其他缓解祝福我们。 The usage of all the modern facilities have resulted in simple laziness.所有的现代设施的使用率已导致简单懒惰。 The people have become lazier and lazier with the approach of new blessings and facilities, provided by new technologies.人民已经成为懒惰和新的祝福和新技术提供的设施,方法懒。 Now the people do not want to make any extra effort to purchase products and services.酒店商标设计现在的人不希望做任何额外的努力去购买的产品和服务。
They want to be convenient in purchasing and availing products and services, either online or offline.他们希望在购买和利用的产品和服务,在网上或离线方便。 Finding and feeling this trend between the consumers have forced to the Online business companies to make their own websites.查找和消费者之间的这种感觉的趋势迫使公司的网上商务,使自己的网站。 Online shopping and purchasing lets the people feel comfort easy and they get everything sitting at home and with the help of just one click.网上购物和购买让人们感到舒适方便,让他们在家里的一切,并与坐在只需点击一下帮助。 If you want to flourish your online business, you are recommended to build an attracting website.如果您想您的网上业务蓬勃发展,建议建立一个吸引的网站。 Otherwise you will not be able to survive in this field.否则你将无法生存在这个领域。 Here are some important rules and tips that can help you create a successful website.以下是一些重要的规则和技巧,可以帮助您创建一个成功的网站。
A Good Design is a Good Business – Before designing the website, think yourself in place of the customer.一个好的设计是一个良好的业务 - 网站设计之前,认为自己对客户的地方。 Ask yourself that how does you want a website should be?问问自己,你想要一个怎样的网站应该是什么? What kind of website would you like to go for shopping?什么样的网站,你想不想去购物吗? What kind of services and products would you like to have there?什么样的服务和产品,你想有吗? With the answers for these few questions, you can create a successful website.与这几个问题的答案,你可以创建一个成功的网站。
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