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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-11 10:32:02 查看次数:


Posted on贴在 September 23, 2010年9月23日,2010||Category:类别: Branding品牌

Social gaming is one of the up-and-coming marketing phenomena of our times, with games overtaking Facebook and other websites all over the UK and the world. 社会游戏是一种很有发展前途的营销现象,我们这个时代的游戏和其他网站的超车脸谱全英国和世界。Similar to the popular Sims games, these games allow users to create virtual lives with a twist; they can interact and social network with other users while playing. 类似于流行的游戏,这些游戏小人允许用户创建虚拟生活在一扭一扭,它们可以相互作用、社会网络与其他用户在玩游戏的时候。Whether you are interested in running a farm or running a college sorority, there is sure to be a role playing game perfect for you.延安酒店是否有兴趣或跑步农场经营大学女学生联谊会,一定会有一个角色扮演游戏的适合你。

However, there is more to this movement that fun and games. 然而,有更多的这个运动,娱乐和游戏。These websites and the games that they promote offer invaluable marketing and branding opportunities for companies both in the UK and throughout the world. 这些网站和游戏,他们提供无价的营销和延安酒店品牌推广公司合作的机会在英国和世界各地。Because users spend a great deal of time playing on their favourite sites, there are literally hours every day per person that marketing messages can be subtly offered. 因为用户花费大量的时间玩他们最喜爱的网站,每天都是照字面上的人均小时,市场营销信息可以被巧妙地提出。Logos and brands can be placed in a variety of different situations, possibly adding new facets and promoting商标和品牌可以放置在不同的情况下,可能增加新的方面,并推广brand延安酒店品牌versatility. 无所不能。Best of all, players may begin to associate the brand and最重要的是,球员可以开始把品牌logo design标志设计of the sponsoring company with the enjoyment they receive from the game itself, creating unstoppable momentum.公司全面的享受他们收到的游戏本身,创造不可阻挡的势头。

The Walt Disney Company, which for all of its corporate faults remains a branding genius, has recently recognized the power of沃尔特·迪斯尼公司,这对所有的企业故障仍是一个品牌,最近公认的天才的权力social gaming社会游戏and taken steps to harness it. 和采取措施治理。The company recently bought Playdom, a social media gaming site popular in the UK and the United States, for over 500 million American dollars.该公司最近买了Playdom游戏网站,一个社会媒体的流行在英国和美国,超过5亿美元。



Launched less than three years ago, Playdom now boasts two of the most popular social networking games on the internet and brings in an astonishing millions of new players every month. 发起了不到三年前,Playdom现在拥有两种最常用的社交网络游戏在英特网和带来惊人的数以计的新球员,每个月都有。This presents an enormous potential market for marketing the Disney brand and logo design. 这代表了一个巨大的潜在市场营销的迪斯尼榆林VI设计品牌和榆林VI设计标识语设计。Disney plans to add some of their own well-known characters to the website’s games, keeping the characters in the public consciousness in a never ending marketing message aimed at a new, web-savvy audience.迪士尼计划增加点自己的知名人物,使网站的游戏中的人物在公共意识的一个永远没有结局的市场信息,针对一种新的web-savvy观众。

Disney is not the only company looking hopefully at social media gaming. 迪斯尼不是唯一在社交媒体公司希望游戏。In fact, it seems to be quite a trend. 事实上,它似乎也是一种趋势。Less than a year ago, London-based website Playfish was bought by Electronic Arts for similar reasons. 在不到一年前,伦敦的网站Playfish电子艺术买类似的原因。Google recently invested an enormous and as of yet unverified sum of money in Zynga, the maker of Facebook’s popular Farmville. 谷歌最近一个巨大的投资,但核实笔钱,Zynga制造商的流行Farmville脸谱。Clearly marketing via social media and gaming is poised to become the branding technique of the new millennium.通过社会媒体和营销清楚游戏准备成为品牌的技术新年。

What does this mean for smaller companies? 这是什么意思为更小的公司吗?Obviously most businesses in the UK can ill afford to spend hundreds of millions of pounds in a single marketing scheme. 很明显大多数企业在英国时承受花费了数百万英镑的一个单一的市场榆林VI设计营销策略。However, there are ways to use this strategy on a smaller and more affordable scale. 然而,有一种方式可以使用这个策略在一个更小更负担得起的规模。The key is to use the internet to link your brand with social interaction and fun in a way that reaches your target audience. 关键是要利用互联网连接你的品牌的社会互动、有趣的方式达到你的目标受众。If you have any questions about how this can be accomplished, or if you aren’t sure whether your brand is ready for this kind of exposure, talk to a logo design and branding consultant today.如果您有任何疑问,这是如何做到的,或如果你不确定你是否已经准备好了这种榆林VI设计品牌的暴露,跟一个标志设计和品牌顾问今天。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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