伊犁哈萨克自治州酒店VI设计 一个运动伊犁哈萨克自治州酒店标志设计在正确的方向上。 However, the logo is distinctly Arabic as well, paying homage to its location and its roots. 然而,标志是阿拉伯语,独特的地理位置,它表示敬意,它的根源。The word ‘Dubai’ is written in a script similar to that used by the Government of Dubai. 这个词写在迪拜的一个脚本的类似,由政府使用的迪拜。The move to balance a historical identity with the needs of modern tourists is clearly underway here. 搬到平衡的一个历史的身份的需求进行现代游客显然是在这里。With a distinctly cosmopolitan nature and a highly traditional side as well, the dichotomy that is Dubai is well represented by the two different scripts.与一个置身于自然和一个高度传统的一面,那是迪拜的二分法是为代表的两大不同的脚本。
伊犁哈萨克自治州酒店VI设计There are a few other ways that Dubai can set itself apart from the many other locales offering vacation fun. 很少有其它途径可以设置本身除了迪拜度假的其他地区提供乐趣。First, it is important to highlight activities and make it easy for people to picture themselves in the holiday in question. 首先,重要的是强调活动,使人们轻松地想象自己在节日的问题。While we are all aware of the many architectural wonders of Dubai, most people in the UK have a hard time thinking of the activities that set the region apart. 虽然我们都知道许多建筑奇观的迪拜,大多数英国人很难有时间思考活动设定了地区分开。There is plenty to do in the area, and Dubai needs to showcase a few of these activities.有许多工作要做,在该地区,和迪拜需要展示几个这样的活动。
Second, Dubai can market itself with promotions that appeal to the budget conscious modern customer. 第二,迪拜能自身市场公司的促销活动,吸引更多客户的预算有意识的现代。The DTCM is currently moving in this direction, with specials on air travel, hotel stays, and other activities being highlighted on the website. 目前的DTCM在这个方向移动,特色菜,酒店停留,航空旅行和其他活动被强调在网站上。The DTCM hopes that it can soon become a one stop portal offering a wide range of deals for people looking into a Dubai vacation, offering booking on the site in addition to the current features.这DTCM希望能很快成为一站门户提供大范围的人在交易在迪拜的一个假期,提供预定在现场除了当前的特征。
Visitors from the UK and Ireland are important to the region’s economy, as they are currently the largest market with one tenth of current visitors. 从英国和爱尔兰游客都是重要的,因为该地区的经济目前最大的市场十分之一的当前的游客。Will this new logo design and new identity appeal to the people that it is trying to reach? 将这个新标识语设计和新身份吸引人,这是试图达成?Only the future can say for sure, but this logo design seems like a movement in the right direction.只有将来可以肯定的说,但这似乎是伊犁哈萨克自治州酒店VI设计 一个运动伊犁哈萨克自治州酒店标志设计在正确的方向上。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)
企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )