涪陵酒店形象设计 建立一个计划来处理涪陵酒店形象设计的公共关系。Develop a plan.制定一个计划。
Once you have an idea of what your reputation should be, you must develop a plan for building this reputation. 一旦你已经知道什么是你的名誉应该,你必须制定一个计划为建设这个名声。It is not enough to simply ‘be’ reliable, trustworthy, high quality, or any of the other qualities you have identified. 涪陵酒店形象设计是不够的,单纯的,值得信赖的可靠、高质量、或任何其他的素质你已鉴定。You must show your community and your customer base. 您必须出示你的社区与你的客户基础。Make a plan for being more visible in a positive way, whether it is through community involvement, social networking, or a combination of these things. 制定一个计划作为一个积极的态度更加明显,不管它是通过社区参与、社会网络,或联合这些事。If you are having trouble identifying concrete and measurable ways to build your desired reputation, talk to a branding consultant.如果你不知道具体的和可衡量的识别方法,建立您想要的名声,跟一个品牌顾问。
Develop a means of monitoring your reputation.研发一种方法监控你的声誉。
This can be as easy as a Google Alert and as complicated as putting together a focus group. 这可以简单作为谷歌警觉起来,那么复杂聚焦小组拼凑在一起。Your exact strategy for monitoring the way people feel about your business will depend on your exact market, but it is essential that you have a strategy. 你准确监测的策略可以谈谈你的生意将会取决于你准确的市场,但至关重要的是,你有一个战略。You need to understand what methods work and why they do. 你需要理解方法的工作原理以及为什么。This will help you further build your这将帮助你提高你的brand品牌and also help you develop a plan for dealing with negative public relations.涪陵酒店形象设计 建立一个计划来处理涪陵酒店形象设计的公共关系。
Manage your reputation.管理你的声誉。
Once you have completed the above four steps, you will be moving your business reputation from the development stages to the management phase. 一旦你完成了上述四个步骤,你将移动你的商业信誉发展阶段,到管理阶段。A reputation loses strength without almost daily management, so be proactive. 名誉失去强度,所以几乎没有日常管理主动性。In many cases, you can manage your reputation by simply doing the things that built it in the first place while avoiding actions that would erode it. 在很多情况下,你可以管理你的声誉,只是做什么事都建造放在第一位而回避行为的侵蚀。This will require time and effort on a daily basis, but having a great business reputation is more than worth the investment.这将需要时间和精力,但在一个每日的基础上有一颗巨大的商业信誉不仅仅是值得的投资。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)
企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )