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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-10-03 22:27:28 查看次数:





    The type of hotel decor and style choices!

    Hotel decor word in every human heart there will be a concept, and each person's point of view will be different, not everyone saw things the same, the style preferences are not the same, and even went through each of the different growth different from all the hotels now have some difficulty fitting the designer is to design a line of customers for each different character you want, this also requires a wide range of creative design experience, all set to design the decoration style division easier to grasp design standpoint, but also in the design before the start of the owners of the hotel designers need to analyze and investigate the positioning of the owners to design the hotel, the owner's personality style preferences, so that designed the renovation works to become owners preferences style.

    The classification of the hotel decor modern minimalist style hotel, tranquil pastoral style, the new Chinese style, European-style classic hotel, Mediterranean style, the Southeast Asian style, the American country house hotel style, Japanese style hotel, hotel fashion mix and match style, classical style hotel, simple style, refined style, hotel style, natural, light hotel-style, soft style, elegant style, urban style, fresh style, Chinese style, the style of these various hotel-style standard, the owner likes to see which type, and only fully understand the owner's style, Shenzhen and interior design company for the time hotel owner's personality, hobbies, sufficient to create the perfect combination of modern style hotel brand.

    European-style hotel in a modern design, many entrepreneurs are fancy, they do not put the ancient Chinese style decoration extension, but quoted a number of European style of decoration, because the Chinese people like things from foreign countries, from the ancient to the this stuff is foreign to Western thought of is good, it is not true, China Eastern culture is international, and hope to carry forward the Chinese-style decor.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)

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