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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-10-03 22:28:23 查看次数:





    Hotel renovated hotel decor color and the perfect combination!

    The role of the hotel decor, renovation trades in the hotel, the color is very rich Guan Jian, a variety of colors usually have to use the job with style, in the decoration, the designer should take advantage of colors to decorate the role of color in the hotel, there are various types of color, making the hotel a warm orange, bright yellow, warm neutral, dynamic green, ocean blue, a mysterious purple, neutral cool, making the hotel's image by adding color decoration style This is even more rich and image, making the hotel a sense of space and more space, more emotional and developmental needs, so that each of us live in this hotel is more to life colorful and rich.

    As the hotel's modern minimalist style, he represents the cutting edge of fashion, if the hotel decor design, the decorative features to the need to stand out, the hotel decoration curves and asymmetric lines constitute a good use of them, then these lines to the development of color and space, so that the natural lines and patterns displayed on the walls, railings, window frames and furniture decoration. Lines of the design hotel decoration has a lot of styles, ranging from some soft elegant lines, the design of many such lines would like to use that to save costs, there are certain ideas and sense of space, will not be so lonely .

    Renovation as a hotel designer, you need to take advantage of this design, the real owners to bring good results, if it is a lot of lines and rich sense of rhythm, it becomes the entire surface of the body design of Ho, as the entire surface of the decorative painting, artistic design changes into effect, the whole three-dimensional form with the methodical, rhythmic blend curve. This becomes a theme of style, and decoration of the hotel form a musical theme, or ditch, or painted a forest of sea painting, this design theme of the highlights, the ideas will be free to play out, the extensive use of steel components, glass, tiles and other new technology, which together with the color combination of art and creativity to form a new picture, to various kinds of stingy Shijia to deepen, it becomes a used Some of the interior decoration items. Then indoor and outdoor communication, form a perfect circle, trying to hotel decoration color art to introduce new ideas.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)

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    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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