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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-10-19 23:13:13 查看次数:






Enlightenment Art and Design Hotels Hill will draw friends

 Zhejiang New Year back home, especially want to meet old friends Wenzhou A strong, strong to say A is an old friend of 20 years ago,
 20 years ago, taught me to paint Chen's daughter, led a summer vacation to help his college classmate, to play our island, among them A strong, relatively thin A strong, with Vice eyes, gentle, very dynamic, full of passion, we hit it off, I heard a strong or Wenzhou, more copies of intimacy, I was all settled in the island's resort hotels, the next day, we went to see the sunrise island, and then traveled to the island every corner of the island was not much, but very special, we're tired, lying directly on the rock beach clean break, looking at the blue sky, Imagine the future, 20 years later, often out a strong before and at the beach photos, memories of our time together bit by bit.

 After New Year's Eve, I went to play his sister's home to Wenzhou, a few days, and then want to see A strong, I heard on A strong when the mayor of a town in Wenzhou, is for old friends happy.

 A strong to home, everyone was excited, the old A much stronger than before, also had a daughters, in fact, this one to see old friends, to appreciate my last A strong help, but feeling old friends good, and secondly want to stroll the coveted spots in Wenzhou Hill.
 In fact, when I was child, my mother and sister came to Hill, remember that time like taking pictures, eating lunch, we drove to the strong A Hill, accompanied us on a tour together, although the A last night because of strong public , late break, and today is still as enthusiastic. A strong road from time to time friends to greet him, A strong popularity in the local really good to sit peaks, A strong idea of an ancient people also praised Hill's poetry.

 Tour of several scenic spots, days late, I am ready to bid farewell to old friends like A strong,
 Although a little sad, but the world is really no ending feast,
 Bless you: more security, my friend, A strongEnlightenment Art and Design Hotels Hill will draw friends Zhejiang New Year back home, especially want to meet old friends Wenzhou A strong, strong to say A is an old friend of 20 years ago, 20 years ago, taught me to paint Chen's daughter, led a summer vacation to help his college classmate, to play our island, among them A strong, relatively thin A strong, with Vice eyes, gentle, very dynamic, full of passion, we hit it off, I heard a strong or Wenzhou, more copies of intimacy, I was all settled in the island's resort hotels, the next day, we went to see the sunrise island, and then traveled to the island every corner of the island was not much, but very special, we're tired, lying directly on the rock beach clean break, looking at the blue sky, Imagine the future, 20 years later, often out a strong before and at the beach photos, memories of our time together bit by bit. After New Year's Eve, I went to play his sister's home to Wenzhou, a few days, and then want to see A strong, I heard on A strong when the mayor of a town in Wenzhou, is for old friends happy. A strong to home, everyone was excited, the old A much stronger than before, also had a daughters, in fact, this one to see old friends, to appreciate my last A strong help, but feeling old friends good, and secondly want to stroll the coveted spots in Wenzhou Hill. In fact, when I was child, my mother and sister came to Hill, remember that time like taking pictures, eating lunch, we drove to the strong A Hill, accompanied us on a tour together, although the A last night because of strong public, late break, and today is still as enthusiastic. A strong road from time to time friends to greet him, A strong popularity in the local really good to sit peaks, A strong idea of an ancient people also praised Hill's poetry. Tour of several scenic spots, days late, I am ready to bid farewell to old friends like A strong, Although a little sad, but the world is really no ending feast, Bless you: More security, my friend, A strong

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)

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