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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-11-22 22:00:13 查看次数:




  作为酒店取名的第一类酒店的名字,基本上国际、国内闻名集团旗下的酒店。如Holiday Inn, Shangri-La等,无论酒店开道哪里,只要在集团品牌名后面加上城市名即可。这类名字的酒店的经营者是最为幸运的,集团几十年的品牌效应,让酒店一开业即路人届知,省却了许多广告宣传费。在经营促销上的优势不言而喻。这就是发挥了整体的品牌效应,象广告就只需要集团一起做就可以了,这样是省非常多的费用了。




Hotel name, how to get to the hotel name? Take the name of the method of the hotel!

    As a hotel name is the core of this hotel location, hotel a good name to give publicity to bring a multiplier effect, how the hotel is named for? There are a lot of knowledge, including the Chinese culture and Western culture, called methods, there are many forms. Many friends are planning to open hotels concerns, let's take a look.

China's hotel industry is very large, nearly 7,000 hotels nationwide, this is some of the star, the star rating has 6,000. If you do not comment on it more, that this is now nearly 7,000 hotel will have its own name. What are the characteristics of some of these names have it, can be roughly divided into three categories: one is the brand name with the group automatically survive, one is, after careful scrutiny, specially chosen specifically to calculations by experts, with the position taken out, according to market , and one is not free to take the unthinking. The name of a mess, and that these names, some of the hotel operators greatly benefit from some miserable so hoteliers. This is the importance of the hotel name.

As the hotel name in the name of the first class hotel, basically domestic and international famous Hotel Group. Such as Holiday Inn, Shangri-La, etc., regardless of where the hotel to clear the way, as long as the group name followed by the brand name of the city can be. The name of the hotel such operators is the most fortunate, the Group's brand for decades, making the hotel an opening session of the passers-by know, save a lot of advertising costs. Promote the advantages of operating on the self-evident. This is the play of the overall brand, just like the ad group can do together, and this is very much the cost of the province.

As a hotel, the second name of the hotel is the hotel industry, one-man operations. Such private enterprises are generally create their own brand new hotel business.

    The third class hotel name hotel name, the name of the function is ignored, taken at random. At the time was not so concerned about, that need only a good decoration, such as how luxurious on the line. Such can only be luck.

So in these areas should pay more attention to effective management hotel management, hotel name you a chance, do not be too casual. When you take over the hotel because it is difficult to sell because the name, please get rid of the name as soon as possible. These are not for anything else, as is the hotel management to improve governance and effective. Name seems unusual, but unusual in that they give you the name of the future. This is the time to the hotel business in Shenzhen and some tips. Thank you.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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