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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-12-04 22:15:15 查看次数:






Hotel sign production process, what is the metal plate the hotel?

     What is the metal hotel sign? Signs in the hotel's design guides, the high-end brands are used in the hotel industry, reflecting the high level of the hotel in our hotel are often signs of life in the metal production process have?

     In the latest hotel to open some of the metal plate at the hotel to use all areas of modern society, more and more widely used and electronic products, appliances, machinery and consumer products fields. The progress of our modern society will be reflected in the inside, then what is the metal hotel sign? Hotel general metal plate production process and what it? Time Inc., and for these we have some conclusion. In this paper, these two issues, the hotel sign on the meaning of various metals and metal hotel signs to do a brief analysis of the production process, so we designed the process of identification card, take advantage of some of our knowledge. The metal so that we have a better understanding of the hotel sign.

     In our production plant, the need to use those tools / materials, at present, mainly in the metal plate hotel copper, iron, aluminum, zinc alloy, pewter and other raw materials for the foundation, by stamping, die casting, etching, printing, enamel, imitation enamel, paint and other craft, made ​​into a plate, badge, badges, medals, key chains, badges, hat clip, money clip, medals, coins, crafts hotel signs, cufflinks, photo frames, mobile phone strap, tie clips, belt, tag, bottle opener and a variety of metals and other craft accessories hotel signs, metal plate and several hotels of different categories of various metal plate products. These are required to study a variety of processes.

     The most common metal in the hotel are mainly produced metal flat plate sun hotel signs, metal screen printing hotel signs, hotel signs of metal corrosion, metal plating and electroforming metal plate, metal plate and metal thermal transfer hotel blast hotel signs. This is the image of signage at the hotel some of the most basic elements.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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