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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-01-05 23:06:05 查看次数:








Hotel dining menu designed to measure life is reasonable.

    Hotel and catering menu design is the integration of technical and artistic creative activities.

In the early days of hotel food and beverage menu, and, like the early stages of design development, hotel and catering menu design is functional for the first guiding principle, to consider the object as the main technical factors, in order to complete or achieve the necessary functionality for the target. The character of the interface can play a fundamental role of information communication, and technical requirements are relatively low, easy to implement, and has good stability, therefore this form of the interface in a very long period of time is the main man-machine communication the form.

Hotel and catering menu layout design of the designer's comprehensive ability and cultural awareness is relatively high, often as text layout and graphic design as easy to grasp. From the art point of view, and whether the color itself, does not mean having the level of artistic works of art, but in the web interface design. Under normal circumstances you can use the 256 color pictures of the basic colors to restore them.

Hotel and catering menus by the transmission of information by the existence of occupation, culture, training, interests, life experiences and the consumption level of significant differences, so the menu appears in the hotel restaurant to meet most of the visual image of the viewer's taste, the more clearly , the more popular, the more specific the better.

In such a rich, complex information about the great world of hotel and catering menus, the hotel restaurant menu design should be based on a strong visual impact to attract the viewer's attention, thereby enabling accurate and specific information to spread rapidly. This requires that the form of hotel and catering menu design should strive Shanfanjiujian, "to win with fewer," the attention of all visitors scattered graphics, lines, non-essential "decoration" should be abandoned, so that the various elements in the form of composition For communication with the contents of both are directly related.

"Simple" is a variety of art forms must follow the general principles, is the so-called "silence speaks for" the hotel restaurant menu design, especially to do this. Highly developed in the social and cultural modern society, improving the quality of people because of cultural values ​​and changes in life goals and aesthetic has become more simple, simple. Simple graphics, bold text, large blocks of color more in line with the requirements of formal beauty and the taste of today's people, gives a pleasant, comfortable, modern feel and enjoy the beauty, people never get tired, and can food for thought Lenovo rich.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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