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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-02-06 21:07:05 查看次数:





Hangzhou hotel logo design development, logo design hotel in Hangzhou 2012 high demand.

     Play as a city, beautiful scenery of the city, the hotel where the development is very good, either general or high-star hotel hotel, where business is very full of passengers, special to the holidays, then is indeed in short supply.

     Hangzhou hotel industry where such a development, logo design and logos in the hotel on production, demand is very large, in which a business, we take some of these hotels and some form of cultural needs of a variety of positioning, the Some features of the hotel to do it. Not all hotels are Hangzhou style, in Hangzhou, there are so many cultural industries, enough for each of our hotel to find out the feeling of the different positioning of the creative play of these ideas to the highest peak, which is a Hangzhou hotel as we logo design company's basic needs.

   These technologies is essential to grasp, is the hotel signage design company development. Can success in the development of this industry, which is hard to see who these hotel brands to the ideas produced, the culture of these hotels to find out, we all know that culture, to make all these cultural and hotel signage design phase combination, it is that requires a certain level, and not according to the written down like. But to find the line with the hotel's location and culture, but also with the local economy and culture combined with the hotel's renovation as a whole together.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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