Sauna Instructions
1、 不要空腹进行洗浴,以免发生低血糖性昏厥;
Don’t go bathing without any food in order to avoid hypoglycemia syncope; 2、在桑拿浴室不要停留时间过长,一般每次以10分钟以内为宜; Don’t stay in the sauna too long; usually within 10 minutes each time is appropriate;
3、洗浴前后最好饮用些含有钠、钾离子的饮料或含糖淡盐水,补充机体过分消耗的水分、盐分和能量,保持机体电解质平衡,更利于发挥洗浴的健身功效; You’d better drink some water containing sodium, potassium or sugar and salt before and after bath, to supply the water, salt and energy after over-consumption, to maintain your electrolyte balance, promoting the fitness effect of bath;
Please don’t move too fast after bath, especially the elderly. You must rise slowly after appropriate rest; 5、心脏病患者若要洗浴,最好先将胸以下部位在40℃左右的热水中浸泡20分钟,促使毛细血管扩张,这样可增加心脏的血液供应量,防止供血不足出现血管意外;
Those heart disease patients have to keep their body below chest in hot water of about 40 ℃for 20 minutes before bath, to promote telangiectasia, so that the blood supply of heart could increase, and the vascular accident because of insufficient blood supply could be prevented; 6、体质虚弱的老年人洗浴时最好有专人陪伴,以便发生不测后能得到救治。
Those frail elderly should be accompanied while bath, to ensure timely treatment in case of accident.
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