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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-17 10:47:29 查看次数:


Hotel marketing? The following is a hotel a variety of marketing a new concept (a)
A hotel green marketing
    With the burgeoning global environmental problems become increasingly serious and the green movement, marketing, how to adapt to the needs of sustainable development of human society has become imperative. The hotel green marketing is precisely in response to protect the environment against pollution, and make full use of the resources point of departure, through the development of products, make full use of natural resources, turning waste into wealth and other measures to meet the green needs of guests, hotel marketing objectives. Hotel green marketing as an effective way of sustainable development strategies, and will undoubtedly become the inevitable choice of hotel marketing. Implementation of the green marketing of the hotel, should adhere to do: First, save the cost of materials to protect the earth's resources; second, to ensure that the use of the product safety, health and convenient, beneficial to people's health and life quality improvement; third, green consumer guide , cultivation of green awareness, optimize people's living environment.
(2) hotel brand marketing
    The similarity in the product is increasingly picky guests of the product more and more demanding era of brand marketing has become an indispensable choice of hotel service enterprises. The film is a brand name, term, logo, symbol, design or their mutual combination. Have a well-known and respected brand, the hotel has an asset, a resource; on the purchase of the hotel guests, this is the quality, convenience, status, and needs to be met to protect; the hotel's competitors, this is a sign of mutual difference, but also to maintain market share weapon.
3 Hotels cultural marketing
    Hotels cultural marketing refers to the hotel to make full use of the cultural power to achieve the marketing activities of the hotel strategic objectives. Initiative in the marketing process and cultural infiltration, and improve the cultural content of culture media to build new community of interests between the guests and the public. Implementation of the marketing of hotel culture, mainly through the following channels: First, the hotel by means of marketing activities to adapt to the different characteristics of the environmental culture; Secondly, the Hotel in the development of marketing strategy should be integrated use of cultural factors to the implementation of cultural marketing strategy; Third, cultural factors must penetrate into the marketing mix, marketing mix to develop the cultural characteristics; Fourth, the hotel should take full advantage of the marketing strategy to build a comprehensive hotel culture.
Hotel services marketing
    The rise of services marketing is increasingly becoming the focus of the fact that due to the rapid development of the service industry and product marketing services. Service marketing and product marketing, the so-called hotel services marketing refers to the hotel companies rely on to get a good evaluation of the customer service quality and reputation of the way to attract customers, maintain and enhance relationships with customers, so as to achieve the objectives of corporate marketing. As the United States, chairman of the Hilton Hotel Donna Hilton hotel marketing image description: If the hotel has first-class equipment and first-class service smile, it is like the garden to lose the spring sun and the spring breeze. Hotel marketing 4P combination of traditional marketing strategies should be increased by three variables, the formation of 7P combination Specifically, the hotel Internet marketing is the hotel through the Internet platform, through direct contact with potential buyers on the Internet, to provide to the purchaser hotel products and services, in order to achieve the marketing activities of certain marketing purposes.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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