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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-11 09:57:24 查看次数:

    酒店领先者在努力扩展市场的同时还必须防备竞争对手的进攻和挑战,保护酒店现有的市场。但并不一定保持它在目标市场上的所有阵地,应该集中使用防御力量,守住重要的市场阵地,以期 在面对重大的机会或威胁时能够采取最佳的战略决策,主要采用五种战略措施。①阵地防御;被动的防御,防止竞争者入侵自己的主要市场;②侧翼防御:除防御自己的主要市场外,还在其他市场做一些防御措施;③先发制人:以攻为守,先主动攻击;④反攻防御:竞争对手发动降价或促销攻势时,作出反击,攻击入侵者的主要市场;⑤收缩战略:放弃某些不重要的市场,“集中优势兵力”用于主要市场。
Life is indispensable in the competition, competition will increase. Hotel competition in the marketing strategy!
Hotel Marketing Competitive Strategy:
    Competition is the product of the development of commodity economy. In the commodity economy under the conditions of, any enterprise carrying out marketing activities, will inevitably encounter the competition of other companies in the peer, the hotel industry is no exception. The hotel must strengthen the observation of the competitors, to research competitors' marketing change its strategy to respond timely to develop appropriate competitive strategies.
A market leader in the strategy:
    The hotel market leader in its products in the hotel occupies the largest market share in the market of hotel industry. Leader in price changes, new product development, channel development, promotion, etc. to other hotel plays the role of market leader. The front-runner position in the market competition in the natural formation, relative stability, but fixed. Hotel market leader must implement the right competitive strategy to maintain the position in this industry first, to maintain their dominant position. Usually choose the overall strategy in three ways: to expand the market demand, to maintain existing market share and expand market share.
   (1) expand the market demand
    Leading position in the hotel, its marketing strategy first is to expand the market, an increase of demand for the product.
    ① find new customers
    To lead the new concept of consumption, through a series of measures, the original consumers not to buy hotel products into customers or potential customers of the hotel looking for new market segments; on the hotel's original basis of market segments; to other domestic and overseas markets, the development of a new user, such as the establishment of the hotel chain.
    ② open up new uses of the product
    With the development of the specialty restaurants, many of the hotel's restaurant is not just to provide food and beverage places, the more inclined exhibitions, exchanges and other dining and common development. The hotel restaurant can be characteristics of the hotel and restaurant features to expand the restaurant to provide consumers with more services and lead to more consumption.
    ③ increase the use of the hotel product
    Room occupancy rate and guests of the restaurant turnover; strive to make the hotel the guests to participate in the consumption of other departments of the hotel, such as sports and fitness to the Recreation Department, to the bar, KTV entertainment; introduced to the business guests of the hotel in elsewhere The hotel chain, allowing guests to stay at this hotel when you travel to get there.
   (2) to maintain existing market share
    Hotel leader in efforts to expand the market at the same time must also guard against attack and challenges of competitors to protect the hotel market. But not necessarily to keep it in all positions on the target market should be focused on the use of defensive force, to hold important positions in the market, in order to be able to take the best strategic decisions in the face of significant opportunities or threats, five strategic measures . ① positional defense; passive defense, to prevent competitors from invasion of their main markets; ② flank defense: in other markets to do some defensive measures to defend the major markets,; ③ pre-emptive strike: taking the offensive, the first initiative to attack; (4) counter-offensive defense: when competitors launch price cuts or promotional campaign, make a counter-attack, attack intruders market; the ⑤ contraction strategy: give up some unimportant market, concentrating a superior force for the major markets.
   (3) expand the market share
    Market share is one of the most important variables related to the rate of return on investment, the higher the market share, the greater the rate of return on investment. Hotel market leader through a variety of ways to enhance the hotel in the market share to increase revenue to maintain its leading position.
Market challenger strategy:
    The hotel market challenger is the second and third and subsequent ranking of enterprises in the market in the hotel leader. They want to lead the hotel industry, and have the ability to attack the market leader and other competitors in order to achieve the desired.
    The challenger must first determine the main financial backers. The hotel can choose the following types of target ━ attack the market leader in the hotel of considerable attack with their own strength, and attack the weaker hotel. After selecting targets need to be considered to take the offensive strategy, the main five offensive strategy. ① frontal attack: attack of the strengths of the competitors; ② flanking attack: attack the weaknesses of competitors; ③ containment attack: a full range of large-scale ground offensive, the hotel can provide better products at more affordable prices; ④ indirect attack: avoid competitors existing market position, through the introduction of product diversification, the implementation of market diversification and development of products to replace inferior products and indirect attack. ⑤ guerrilla attack: a small, intermittent attack, apply to the smaller, weaker companies.
    3 The market follower strategy
    The hotel market follower, refers to those products, technology, price, channel, promotion and other marketing strategies to mimic or follow the market leader in hotel hotel. Such a strategy is to obtain as much as possible the benefits to the state of the market "peaceful coexistence". Not lead to competitive retaliation to follow the strategy we must first determine the main three strategic options: (1) closely followed by: hotels in a variety of strategies to imitate competitors; the ② distance to follow: to follow in the main competitors, but competitors retain a number of differences; (3) choose to follow the strategy: in some respects to imitate competitors in other areas have their own characteristics.
    (4) market stopgap strategy
    Concentrate concerned about the hotel market filled by some small parts on the market of large enterprises to ignore or disdain, Strategic decisions, to survive in the cracks of the large enterprises. Mainly through professional management to obtain maximum revenue. Such as hotels according to the classification of the customer's specialized marketing.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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