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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-05 14:22:11 查看次数:

Hotel product competition is that a hotel pricing strategy
Hugh Bradley's clever set wine prices
    Hugh Bray companies in the U.S. vodka market, excellent marketing company. The Smirnov wine, its production in the vodka market share of 23%. In the 1960s, another company launched a new vodka, its quality is not 比史密诺夫 wine differential per bottle than the price of one U.S. dollar.
    In accordance with the practice, off-mine-laying in front of three countermeasures are available:
   (1) the price of one U.S. dollar in order to ensure market share.
   (2) to maintain the original price, by increasing the cost of advertising and marketing expenses to compete with competitors.
   (3) to maintain the original price, allowed to reduce its market share.
    This shows that, regardless of the company to take such kind of strategy, Hugh Bradley seemed to lose.
    However, the company's marketing staff, after careful consideration, but to take the other side an unexpected fourth strategy. That Smirnov wine prices to improve with the introduction of new vodka prices with competitors like the lovely color of wine and another price lower wave wine.
    This product pricing strategy, on the one hand the status of the Smirnov wine, while allowing competitors of new products to be reduced to a common brand. Results, Hugh Bradley not only weathered the storm, the profits are greatly increased. In fact, the taste of Hugh Bradley of the three product prices and cost almost the same, only the company knows a different price to sell the same product strategy.
    Thinking and Problems
 1 the above case can be seen, the pricing of the product will be affected by which factors?
 ② price is how to affect the sales of the product? Hugh Bradley in the case of the company's success in what areas?
 ③ at a local hotel to find three of the same type, compare prices and sales of products between them and try to analyze whether the price is reasonable, developed by them and which strategies can be taken to make the operating conditions of the hotel better.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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