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发表时间:2020-12-22 16:07:22 资料来源:人和时代 作者:酒店vi设计公司





       No matter the enterprise, the shop owner, the individual, as long as it is the speech of the information transmitter, the receiver almost does not believe it. Because they all believe that the communicator "will only reveal information that is good for them.". In contrast, it is easier to trust the users who stand in the same position as the receiver in the logo design of shopping malls.

       Have you ever picked clothes in the store and met the clerk saying, "I bought this one myself and decided to buy it?"?

      This is because the role of the shop assistant has shifted from a seller to a partner in the same line with the consumer. When we hear the shop assistant say this, we will think that the quality of the product should be good (of course, it is undeniable that the shop assistant may have actually bought the product or just said so to everyone).

      The same is true when TV shopping channels sell health equipment. They will certainly promote products through the voice of users. Because compared with the information delivered by commodity producers, the audience is more confident in the voice of users.




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