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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-10-11 22:22:10 查看次数:



1) 2) 3) 视觉识别系统VIS 数据光盘
5.1 招标文件由下述部分组成:
5)  如被聘用,公司准备投入项目的资源配备
a) 项目主要负责人的经验和背景
b) 专注于本项目的高级专业人员和核心执行人员经验和背景
c) 其他方面的资源配备6) 根据公司目前提供的资料及项目需要出具对本项目的专业分析、项目时间进度方

1 投标文件的正本与副本应当完全一致。当正本和副本之间出现差异时,以正本为准。
2 电话、传真、电子邮件等形式的投标概不予接受。

10.1 投标人应将投标文件的正本和副本分别密封,在每个密封件的封面上标明项目编  号、投标单位名称、法定代表人、单位公章、“正本 ”或“副本”字样、投标人的名称、地址、联系电话。
10.2 投标文件袋上应写明:
10.3 为方便招标时的开标和唱标,投标方须将正本的投标文件、开标一览表和用于开标  目的的投标函单独密封,并在信封上标明“开标一览表”字样,然后再装入正本投标文件密封袋中。

件时,招标方将不负责任。 11、投标截止时间
1 投标文件的递交不得迟于2011 年09 月13 日12:00 北京时间)。投标文件以密封形式递交至新酒店控股有限公司指定开标地点。
2 所有投标文件不论派人送交还是通过邮寄的方式递交,都必须在招标方规定的投标截止时间之前送达招标文件指定的地点,在此之后送达的投标文件,为无效投标,投标文件将

1 能够认真、公正、诚实、廉洁的履行职责。
2 有下列情形之一的,不得担任评标委员会成员:
1 本次招标按招标文件的投标邀请中规定的时间和地点进行会议议标。
2 开标时将检查所有投标文件的密封情况,并在确认无误后拆封投标文件进行唱标。

Brand visual identity system (VIS) Engineering, Procurement and tendering

Hotel Holdings Limited item number

1) 2) 3) visual recognition system VIS data CD
5.1 tender documents of the following components:
Notice the first part of the second part of the tender bid instructions
Chapter II, the preparation of tender documents
5) If hired, the company prepared to invest resources in projects with
a) The project is mainly responsible for the experience and background
b) focus on the core project of the senior professionals and executives experience and background
c) Other aspects of the resources and equipment 6) According to information provided by company and project need to produce professional analysis of the project, project schedule side

1 original and copy of the tender documents should be exactly the same. When the difference between the original and the copy when the original shall prevail.
2 phone, fax, e-mail and other forms of tenders will not be accepted.

Chapter III, the submission of tender documents
 10, sealed and marked tender documents
10.1 Bidders should be originals and copies of tender documents were sealed in the seal on the cover of each marked item number, bidder name, legal representative, official seal, "original" or "copy", the name of the bidder , address, contact phone number.
10.2 bags of tender documents should state:
Marked "the opening of tenders in order to break the seal" and other words
10.3 To facilitate the opening of tenders and tender singing standards, the original bidder shall tender documents, bid summary and bid for the purpose of opening a separate sealed letter and the envelope marked "bid summary," the words, and then into the original tender file a sealed bag.
1 any incomplete or does not meet the requirements of the tender documents, tender documents will be rejected.
2 As the force majeure or events beyond the control of loss or damage resulting from the tender bid package body text

Conditions, the tender side will be irresponsible. 11, the tender closing time
1 bid documents submitted no later than at 12:00 on September 13, 2011 Beijing time). In the form of sealed tender documents submitted to the New Hotel Holdings Limited designated bid opening location.
2 regardless of all the tender documents sent to or sent by mail submission must be in the tender side of the tender before the deadline specified in the tender document service location, after service of the tender documents, as invalid tender, tender documents will

1 can be serious, fair, honest, honest performance of duties.
2, one of the following circumstances, shall act as the evaluation committee members:
14, opening
A tender invitation to tender by the tender documents specified time and place for meeting the proposed standard.
2 opening of tender documents will check all the seals and opened the tender documentation after the confirmation to sing the standards.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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