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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-24 10:37:03 查看次数:


Choice of marketing hotel marketing process? Hotel marketing channel selection and adjustment
    The choice of hotels in the marketing process marketing, direct marketing and indirect marketing, how to determine the length and width of the marketing channels involving the question of choice of marketing channels.
(1) sales channel selection and adjustment factors to be considered
   (1) factors of marketing object. The number of objects of marketing, distribution, purchase habits, etc. will affect the hotel business marketing channel choice. The number of hotel marketing object is large and widely distributed, the hotel should be wide and long marketing channels, and vice versa direct marketing is more suitable.
   (2) factors. Product factors refer to the quality and nature of the product. Excellent high quality products due to the small number of wealthy buyers often repeat purchase, should adopt the direct marketing channel or narrow short marketing channels. On the contrary, popular product due to the large purchase of objects, wide distribution, should adopt the width and length of marketing channels. For new products, outstanding popularity, the use of indirect channel sales often takes more "tongue", it is better to use direct marketing channels.
   (3) Hotel factors. Beijing hotel the economic strength of the VI design, marketing and management capabilities are factors to be considered, if the strength of the hotel, complete passenger build their own sales force, or a higher commission to organize more and better middlemen team. If the hotel's marketing ability, also the passenger to use their skilled marketing team to open up the market. On the contrary, the marketing must be the middleman for the channel.
Hotel sales channels to select and adjust the sales channel strategy
    Hotel sales channel selection and adjustment in general there are five strategies:
   (1) exclusive marketing strategy. Refers to choose the best hotels in the market area of ??a middleman as a marketing channel. To adopt this strategy, help the hotel to control brokers, supervision and improve service attitude, but the corresponding impact on the ease of purchase by the customer.
   (2) an extensive marketing strategy. The brokers do not choose the number the better. The strategy is a little bit for customers to create easy to buy, the drawback is the difficulty of the hotels control and management of marketing channels will increase.
   (3) short-channel marketing strategy. Referring to the hotels involving middlemen less marketing channels.
   (4) long-channel marketing strategy. Referring to the hotels to choose to involve brokers more marketing channels. The use of this strategy, we must consider the principle of efficiency (ease of customers to buy) economic principles (marketing channels to bring the total enough revenues and profits) and the source principle (taking into account the basic characteristics of the source).
   (5) selective marketing strategy. Selected hotels in the market area within a few middlemen as a marketing channel, which is a broader applicability of strategy.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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