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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-30 10:09:48 查看次数:

Hotel to establish a harmonious and cooperative relationship, how to work closely with travel agents?
    To establish good and harmonious working relationship between hotels and travel agencies, so that the sincere cooperation, sharing of benefits and risks, which requires a lot of efforts to nurture. Proceed as a hotel from the following aspects:
    1 do reception work
    The hotel offers quality products and services is the most substantial content to ensure that relations with travel agencies. If you do not realize that this specific work is bound to be forest for the trees.
    (2) to strengthen communication
    Hotel should be allowed to travel agencies to fully understand their products and services through the organization of travel agency staff to visit, use, and to provide adequate promotional materials such as brochures, advertising posters, promotional videotapes, slides, but also often by letter, personnel access and other forms of time to travel agents informed of the latest developments in hotel new products and services, new projects, new program to assist its sales, and strive to achieve the desired position in the travel agencies line promotional. For travel wholesalers, generally one year in advance or longer printed brochures and quotations, but the hotel early to consult with house prices. As a result of the operation need to be price increases, as soon as possible notify the travel agency, and understanding. Otherwise due to the lack of both communication and temporary price increases (especially embarrassing season) will make travel agency, triggering a large number of check-out, the two sides by the great loss of economic interests, public image.
    (3) positive incentives
    The hotel can be a variety of incentives to improve driving the sales agent. Such as: increasing the rate of commission, and the timely payment of the off-season sales distributed to the award commission; booked through travel agencies, companies and organizations to give greater discounts and to manage them out from the travel agency booking; free of charge for the travel agency staff to provide board and lodging services; to carry out sales contests, reward good travel agent sales.
    . Reservations accepted work
    Should be based on the characteristics of the travel agent booking hotel designed specifically booking acceptance procedure to facilitate the travel agency booking. Hotel prices, deposit policy and other services (such as baggage fees) should take the initiative to provide payment instructions, in writing, usually room sales contract, would like to travel agents clear Rates (including breakfast), deposit, booking deadline time, method of payment and other content. At the same time, the hotel should also actively adopt advanced electronic network system in order to comply with the new trend of Online Booking.
    Strengthen after-sales work
    Does not mean the end of the sales package tours from the point, the hotel should maintain close contact with travel agencies to seek their advice and opinions, in order to improve the improve.
    6. Emphasis on receivables liquidation
    Only to recover the receivable, the hotel in order to truly achieve cost-effective. Some hotels Zhigu attract customers, for fear the impact of travel agents, debtors often do not recover in time, reduce the turnover rate of the hotel capital advantage will also affect the long-term development of the hotel.
    Third, the source of Reservation
    Booking of hotel rooms there are three main sources:
    ● companies or organizations
    ● individual travelers
    ● Travel: intermediate links belong to the hotel with the ultimate customer for the hotel is naturally a very important source of customers.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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