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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-07 14:49:32 查看次数:

A hotel advertising planning how to achieve the objectives and a clear budget?
   (1) hotel advertising goals
    Hotel advertising goals, is a hotel with the advertising campaign, expected to achieve the final results in the planning period. The advertising goals of guiding significance of advertising in general activities, but also to develop the advertising strategy and planning, the first steps and guidelines.
    Advertising target depends on the hotel business objectives and market conditions, such as the life cycle of the product in which the competitor strategy, the hotel's market position and so on.
    Advertising objectives include: the time span, the planning of the campaign period, from when until when only; geographical boundaries, the geographical scope of the campaign spread; target audience, for which part of the ad audience publicity; nature of the description

What kind of effect, that is, expect to achieve through the campaign, for example, the increase in sales or reputation to improve; number of indicators, which is an important basis for effect evaluation after the implementation of the ad.
    Hotel advertising goals can be divided into three types: type of notice, to convince the type and type remind. The notice advertising for the new hotel opening or new product into the market stage, aims to establish a brand, launch new services; persuasive advertising purpose is to train

Consumer demand for a certain brand, so choose the advertised brand in the number of competitors; remind advertising generally carried out in the hotel business maturity, the objective is to maintain and emphasize the memory of the consumer on the hotel.
   (2) hotel advertising budget
    Advertising is paid using the media for publicity, advertising must invest a lot of costs. Hotel advertising costs of extraction and use of advertising plan must be based on advertising goals and their own ability to budget.
    In practice, the extraction of the hotel advertising costs are common, there are three methods: the fixed rate of extraction. Such as a hotel sales throughout the year to 10 million yuan, the hotel rate of 3% of the extract advertising, the advertising of the hotel throughout the year to 30 million.
    Competition cf France is a hotel based on the level of advertising expenditures of the main competitors to determine their own advertising costs. In general, the hotel should be maintained with the competitors about the same level of advertising costs.
    Ability to pay France is a hotel within our capabilities, in accordance with the financial ability to decide on the budget. The hotel how much financial resources to do much advertising budget.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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