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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-07-07 19:11:06 查看次数:

What is the management process of implementation of the plan of hotel marketing?
    The formulation of the hotel marketing plan is only the beginning of the process of marketing management, a successful marketing plan is not just looks perfect "art" should also be involved in a lot of detailed work arrangement is and how to perform. Many reasons for the failure of marketing programs is not detailed enough, too vague or uncertain, confused or do not know their job responsibilities which makes the concept of the staff of the various marketing activities, and the person in charge of the marketing activities you need to spend a lot of time to help them do the interpretation, the results lead to plans to spend too much ineffective spending and cause the whole project implementation delays. In order to make marketing plans are effectively implemented, coordination and cooperation at all levels of staff in work of hotel marketing system is essential. In addition, the coordinated development of the hotel with the external environment have a major impact on the implementation of the marketing plan.
    Hotel marketing implementation, refer to the hotel to achieve strategic objectives and is committed to the process of marketing strategies and plans into concrete marketing measures. In other words, all the resources to effectively mobilize the hotel into the daily business activities. Analysis of the market environment, the development of market strategy and marketing plan is the solution to the hotel "should do" and "Why do so"; marketing implementation is to solve the "who do it", and "where" the "how" the problem.
    Hotel marketing implementation is an arduous and complex process. Abroad, a study showed that 90 percent of planners surveyed believe that the reason why they develop strategies and tactics do not succeed, because there is no effective implementation. Management is often difficult to determine the specific implementation of the marketing efforts and marketing reasons for the failure may be due to strategic and tactical, it may be the correct strategy and tactics not be implemented effectively.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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