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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-07-08 11:32:42 查看次数:

What factors affect the implementation of the hotel marketing?
(1) plan is divorced from reality
    Hotel marketing strategy and marketing plan is usually developed by the top of the professional planners, and implementation will have to rely on the marketing and management personnel often lack the necessary communication and coordination between these two types of personnel, which led to the emergence of the following questions:
   (1) the hotel's professional planners only consider the overall strategy to ignore the implementation details of the results of the scheme is too general or a mere formality.
   (2) professional planners often do not understand the specific issues in the implementation process, the plan is divorced from reality.
   (3) marketing managers do not fully understand the need to implement the strategy in the implementation process often encountered difficulties.
   (4) planning and marketing management personnel exchanges and communication, resulting in their mutual antagonism and distrust.
    Now, many hotels have recognized that professional planners can not rely on marketing plan. The correct way is to allow program staff to assist in the marketing plan. Marketing staff more than the planners to understand the actual, so that they participate in the hotel program management process will be more conducive to the implementation of the marketing strategy.
(2) long-term goals with short-term goal of contradictions
    Marketing strategies typically focus on the long-term goal of the hotels involved in business activities for the next three to five years, but is usually based on the implementation of these strategies marketing of short-term job performance, such as sales, market share, profitability and other indicators of their evaluation and reward and punishment. Therefore, marketers often choose short-term behavior. Currently, many companies are looking for and to take appropriate measures to overcome the contradiction between the long-term goals and short-term goals, with a view to the best coordination between the two.
(3) following the beaten track of inert
    The hotel's current business activities are often carried out in order to achieve the set strategic objectives, the new strategy, if not in line with the traditions and habits of the hotel will be a boycott. The bigger the difference of old and new strategy for the implementation of the new strategy that may be encountered resistance greater. In order to implement a new strategy very different from the old strategy often need to break the traditional hotel organization and vendor relationships.
(4) lack of a specific implementation plan
    Practice has proved that the failure of some strategic plan because the plan did not work out the clear surface of a specific implementation plan. The difficulties faced by many hotels, but also because of the lack a hotel within the relevant departments coordinated combat the specific implementation plan.
    The hotel's high-level decision-making and management must develop a detailed talk programs, regulation and coordination of sector activities, the preparation of a detailed and thorough project schedule, clear each department manager responsibilities. Only in this way, the implementation of the hotel marketing strategy is guaranteed.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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